Tri-Town Volunteer Emergency Ambulance Service, Inc. proudly protects 25,000 people living in an area of 95 square miles.
We operate out of 1 station that protects a primarily residential area. Our department is a private department whose members are on a combination of paid and volunteer status.
Tri-Town Ambulance is a private, non-profit agency that became incorporated in 1972.
Tri-Town provides EMS to three towns, Hooksett, Allenstown, and Pembroke, New Hampshire.
We current have nearly 30 active volunteers and 4 full-time employees, who answer approximately 1300 calls annually.
Tri-Town Ambulance runs with 3 type 3 ambulances: 1-1994,1-1995, and 1-1998 Horton.
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Town Ambulance on line!
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The site was last updated on July 12, 1999
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